DSL Embedded :: linux vs windows

I set up my DSL on windows and have everything running great.. custom icons, ect..  but when I run DSL on a linux pc all desktop settings are reset back to defaults.. even the dillo getting started loads, which I had turned off..

how do I get DSL to be the same wether loaded on linux or windows.. by dsl-windows.bat and dsl-linux.sh look simalar

You need to use the boot option
boot:  dsl qemu

This will give you a "device" /dev/harddisk

You can also use the boot options
boot:  dsl qemu restore=harddisk

This will allow you to share the same virtual drive between Qemu/Windows and Native

I don't see the problem.. here is what I have
---- WINDOWS ----
START qemu\qemu.exe -L qemu/ -no-kqemu -m 256 -soundhw sb16 -localtime -kernel linux24 -initrd minirt24.gz -hda KNOPPIX/knoppix -hdb qemu/harddisk -append "qemu sb=0x220,5,1,5 frugal quiet modules=hdb noscsi nousb nofirewire atapicd noideraid noacpi acpi=off noapm noagp ide1=noprobe ide2=noprobe nomce"

Last update didn't include everything I typed:
I don't see the problem.. here is what I have
---- WINDOWS ----
START qemu\qemu.exe -L qemu/ -no-kqemu -m 256 -soundhw sb16 -localtime -kernel linux24 -initrd minirt24.gz -hda KNOPPIX/knoppix -hdb qemu/harddisk -append "qemu sb=0x220,5,1,5 frugal quiet modules=hdb noscsi nousb nofirewire atapicd noideraid noacpi acpi=off noapm noagp ide1=noprobe ide2=noprobe nomce"

guess I cant do it all at once.. here is the second half
---- LINUX ----
qemu/qemu -L qemu/ -soundhw sb16 -kernel linux24 -initrd minirt24.gz -hda KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX -hdb qemu/harddisk -append "qemu frugal quiet modules=hdb nousb noscsi nofirewire atapicd noideraid noacpi acpi=off noapm noagp nomce"

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