DSL Embedded :: DSL embedded in Linux even on PPC?

I really liked the possibility to run Damn Small Linux without having to reboot but I run Linux (Ubuntu) on a Power PC (PPC) Macintosh. Is there any possibility that there will be a DSL embedded for Linux on PPC?

Or is there already one (I couldn't find one though)?
Maybe there's some other solution but what I really woluld is the possibility to just plugin my USB stick and start DSL (on Linux on PPC), that would make my day (even several of them).

There is no native build for ppc (yet - you could start it).  But you could use virtual machine/emulation through a host o/s.
But if I should use some virtualization I guess I need to have that installed on the machine where I want to run DSL and then not be able to ''just plug in my USB stick and run DSL''?
Well generally, you'd need a host os.

You could save the the virtual/emulation software on your usb stick like how you can with dsl-embedded currently.

original here.