DSL Embedded :: Backing up help

I have DSL on a 1 GB thumbdrive and I was wanting to be able to use the back up feature.  I was wondering if there was a DSL noob friendly how  to on how to use that.

Explains both backup and persistence

Ok I ran into a small problem, according to what Damn Small says the boot image is on /dev/sda1.  When I tried to create a backup onto /dev/sda1 I got a "Invalid Device" error, anything I should know about how Damn Small handles the USB drive that it is running it off of?  While waiting for a reply from some one I have a crazy idea that I will be trying, which is mading the backup.tar.gz file under openSUSE (currently installed on my laptop) and see if Damn small would see that file and just add the backed up files to it.
Did you specifiy just the name, i.e. sda1 ?
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