DSL Embedded :: Accessing .dsl packages

i think you can (question 1):

1 use dd to create a file as big as you want, name it hdb.img
2 add -hdb hdb.img to the long command line in dsl-windows.bat
3. start up dsl-embeded
4. open XShels-root access
5 type mke2fs /dev/hdb
6 aswer y to proceed anyway?
7. mount /mnt/hdb
8. copy *.dsl to /mnt/hdb

(question 2)
one of dsl boot options is mydsl=
if you enter: dsl mydsl=hdb
it will load your extensions from the hdb drive

I made it 60BM so that everything would fit nicely on a 128MB pendrive.
But you can make your own. Especially if this is sitting in a windows folder on a hard drive.
I made the one is dsl-embedded on a DSL system like this from a root shell:

dd of=harddisk bs=1024 seek=60000 count=0
mke2fs harddisk

Now if you also want to pre-load it up with a bunch of .dsl then in DSL
mount harddisk /mnt/test -o loop

then copy over the .dsl that you have downloaded to /mnt/test
umount /mnt/test

Then copy over your "new" harddisk into the windows folder.


i run dsl-0.8.4 embeded in dsl

Code Sample
exec ./qemu  -L . -hda harddisk -hdb hdb.img -cdrom dsl-0.8.4.iso -boot d -m 256 -enable-audio -user-net -localtime

this works i have hda, hdb and boot cdrom
i think this is posible in windows to

Sure does work in windows. For a real simple test, just use windows and copy harddisk to harddiskB then add another option in dsl-windows.bat -hdb harddiskB
Then boot up and you will see the mount.app display of both hda and hdb

Thanks! This looks like everything I need to know (and then some)!

Now all I have to do is to find some time to try this out :-)

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