DSL Embedded :: ISO difference?

I'm wondering, is the Embedded ISO any diffrent then the normal DSL ISO? And if so, what is the diffrence?
i think there is NO difference.
btw to can use ANY iso file thats bootable.

knoppix? would work i guess but be horribly horribly horribly slow.
I tried it on SLAX with 256Megs reserved ram and it was almost unbearably slow on a 2.4Ghz P4 machine...

Was nice to see though


funny i have just tried slax on a tosh laptop (a30, ) using 128 on a p4 and it was fine.I usually use VMWARE and thought that i would try embedded.
The hard disk image wont partition though (wont let me write table comes back with ileagal op) so am I missing something?

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