DSL Embedded :: saving space

first i have to say dsl embedded it really cool. right know i can boot on my usb thumb drive, using this (http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi?;act=ST;f=17;t=3061) so my version of dsl is not really install just sitting there. i would like to be able to use qemu to boot my thumb drive just like i do when i boot the computer. is there a new ".bat" file i can make to do this will and it so how? dose this make sines

what i have so far is,

REM Start qemu on windows.

START qemu.exe -L . -m 128 -fda boot-0.8.0.img -enable-audio -localtime


i can boot from the floppy image know, is there a to add the usb or a drive to it (sda1)

one of my friends say my post dose not make sines, so what i want to do is be able to boot from a physical drive not an image or be a to boot the file "knoppix" using the floppy image.

Yes, you can..

You have to create a "qemu drive" or a large file that DSL can be "installed" to

Either you can download the development package from http://awphuch2000.dyndns.org:1079/linux....dsl-dev
and create a "drive" then modify your dsl-windows.bat file to include that file as the drive, then do an install (my development zip is from the 0.6.0 version)

Is this closer to what you were requesting??


yes/no i going to see if i can find and floppy image that will lit me just run and iso image that way i can boot for it and emulate it

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