DSL Embedded :: frugal install?

hi everyone, ive had an itx computer sat in a pile for a while now after alot of dreaming, in reality ive done nothing with it ???  decided im gonna pull my finger out and make a tiny case with a CF-IDE adapter but im sure sure about the frugal install script

how do i do it? do i boot usb with DSL, and run the frugal script from there, passing the CF disk as a variable?

I ususally place the CF w/IDE adapter as hda in a white box with cdrom. Boot DSL from cdrom and run frugal_instal.sh. Then after it is installed I move the CF w/IDE to the mini-itx and it boots up fine.
thanks for the reply robert, is your CF adapter for 2 cards?

my CF-IDE adapter slightly baffles me, it supports 2 CF cards, and etched on the pcb it mentions setting numbers for 1 or 2 CF cards, "[for 1 cf] 12:cbl select, 23:master, xx:slave" and "[for 2 cf] 23:cf1-master, 34:cf2-master" but theres no jumpers at all on the pcb, there is room for a "JP1" on the pcb, ie its been etched in on the pcb but theres no jumper, would that be it? if so whats 1 and whats 4?  :(   :)

original here.