DSL Embedded :: NTFS Mounting
DeeJay is right -- if you're running DSL "on top" of Windows (using QEMU as opposed to booting off USB stick or CD-ROM) then you'll have no direct visibility to your Windows filesystem (regardless of format). The way to get around that is to "share" one or more of the directories in Windows and then use smbclient or the samba.dsl extension in DSL to mount the shared dirs as "network" drives over QEMU's virtual network connection.
Really if you want access to your NTFS physical disk under embedded?
All you have to do is setup an FTP SERVER on windows and run it. Then use axyFTP GUI in DSL or just use
ftp from command line...
You also need to know the ip address of you windows box.
ftp my.win.ip.number
axyFTP is simple to setup and has a GUI for noobs.
login to dsl and you can access the whole drive like I DO :P

the latest version of qemu allows access to the cdrom
-cdrom /dev/cdrom
in windows.
i have also read that it allows read only access to hard drives though can't seem to find this info again!
EDIT: http://www.qemu.org/faq.html
Can I use a real disk, floppy or CDROM in QEMU ?
Yes, at least with Linux. For the floppy, use /dev/fd0 as image filename. For the cdrom, use /dev/cdrom. For a real hard disk, first ensure that you have read-only permission to the device (it is very dangerous to leave write access to the device because in case of problems you can trash your hard disk). Then use /dev/hda to use the hard disk 0. As QEMU will have read-only access to the device, all the changes will be discarded at the end of the QEMU session. For more safety if you do not know the access rights of the hard disk device, always use the -snapshot option:
qemu -snapshot /dev/hda
As far as I know, it is not possible to directly access your hardware on your MSWindows HOST computer via your virtual DSL embedded PC that is inside QEMU.
It might be possible to access cdrom or floppy somehow using a newer version but raw hard drive access is unlikely.
Like I posted above. I access my winXP NTFS hard drive every day using axyFTP. I can boot embedded DSL, start my FTP-server on windows. Use axyFTP on embedded and then connect to the ftp server which is actually my hard drive in windows.
And this is all done VIA DSL-embedded.
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