Games :: I made a .dsl for Secret Maryo Chronicles

Awesome!!! Great Job!  How processor intensive is it...will it play on a VERY old machine?


I'm not sure. I've got a newer laptop and it works fine. My wife plays that game on a Pentium 3 Windows laptop and it runs fine.
OK, email it to me, and I'll give it a try.
doobit2 at hotmail dot com.

Oh...I thought you posted up!

Man oh man...would the DSL guys be willing to host the "Full" package in the DSL repository?


doobit2, I sent the smc.dsl & sdl-libs.dsl needed to play the game. I didn't include the 17mb's of music though. I also sent another game dependant on the sdl-libs called Abe's Amazing Adventure.
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