Games :: Counter-Strike

this is original link to how-to

PS: it says
The package is no longer distributed as a tar/gz file. It is distributed as a .bin file that needs to be directly executed. So, after downloading the file, make it executable and then execute it. For example:

chmod a+x hlds_l_3111_full.bin

You will be presented with a EULA, after which the usual tar/gz package will be extracted. From there you gunzip and untar as usual.

hlds_1_1120_full.bin: error extractiong payload, No such file or directory   :(

i tried, result =(
hlds_1_1120_full.bin: error extractiong payload, No such file or directory
what does it mean?

Please check & see if it is just a typo:
1st thing is that you have listed the file name as: hlds_"1 ONE"_1120_full.bin
The name of the file however is: hlds_"Lower case L"_1120_full.bin

If that fails, redownload from somewhere else. I have not run or played Counter Strike, but I have run into your problem of file not found, especially if you are running dsl under the new VMware server. What you will need to do is redownload the *.bin, I have seen where a file will be off a couple of bytes in size and it will ruin your day. Also check the MD5 of the file you downloaded. This will tell you if it is complete.

Hope it helps.:)

i checked the file was fine, probably because i downloaded in windows and transfered in samba.
So i went
And just installed CS.server on my DSL =)

PS: sorry for English

original here.