Games :: Civilization II
Here is a screenshot of a game in Civilization II - M$ version- under wine.
It breaks.. It has a problem with the text fonts used in the game.
Nevertheless, maybe someone can work on the bugs..
One of the greats.. Sid Meyer = Genius
This would be an awesome performer.
Look at freeciv for your "civ" fix.
Hi there - I'm trying to remaster a version of dsl to include freeciv...
wonder if you could advise? (also wonder if you would be interested in a *game* or three once I've got this set up - have a half dozen other strategy game-heads interested)
Havent had much luck yet (made a fair few coasters.. ). But looking at the blurb on the welcome html page, it says that you can just put the .gz files in the root directory of the cd and it will automatically install them... Question is, I know how to get the .deb files from the debian woody download site, but how do I change them into the correct .gz files??
Search the forum, or look in the documentation on Drupal
for the famous " deb2dsl " script.
This will take your downloaded, installed .deb files,
and make them into a .dsl file to begin working on.
Other than a few adjustments I like to do,
very often the output .dsl file is ready to test run..
Adding icons, and making wrappers or startup files
is done afterwards when rebuilding the .dsl file.
...and I'm always interested in more games,
The deb2dsl will get you started in learning howto make
extensions to contribute to the repository.
thanks ke4nt -
that sounds loads of fun... but I cant find the deb2dsl script, or drupal. I've searched the forum, and googled for it, but no joy. where do i find the script (and any documentation that might go with it.?)
You can find it by searching the forums. Search all forums and from the beginning. It's here in this deb2dsl testers needed post
The script is great and it works most of the time, but if I remember correctly, I had a problem with freeciv. I had to use a different, slightly more involved method. I made a deb of freeciv a while ago but it's been removed from the repository because some people had some problem with it using all of the cpu.
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