Games :: Briquolo


Awesome 3D breakout gameplay.
Requires XFree86.dsl + acceleration.

It's in the "testing" area of the repository for now.


Nice work!


I'd like to hear from someone who may have gotten this to work with just  XFree86.
It seems like it shouldn't be so demanding, but I couldn't get it to run without both XFree86 and nvidia installed.  It may be a result of building it on a system which has both XFree and nvidia, so it may be the fault of the extension creator.

mikshaw -

This is one of the coolest games I have seen. When it changed the view where I was at the paddle level it freaked me out! Thank you for adding this one.



I tried it with only XFree86.dsl and XF86Config-4
set to "nv"(driver).
Couldn't load, no such file,
tried LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/briquolo/lib.
Installed nvudia.dsl, reset XF86Config-4 driver
to "nvidia", restart wm, all is well.BTW,
game/package is fantastic, thankyou.
I don't get it.But thats what I found.


And another thing....
I just won't shut up, will I?

But seriously folks, having forced
PATH, it fails for want of GLX
extension/s provided by nvidia
Homepage Informations/What I need
section indicates open GL is needed.
Perhaps there's a compile option.
Which makes me ask myself if other
cards like Radeon etc, provide GL
in the drivers...I may never know,
as I have Nvidia....

HTH or was at least interesting.

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