DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Opera
Hmm that's interesting. What do you think is happening in Opera the second time that's not happening in Firefox?
Robert and I came very close to releasing an RC with Opera in place of Firefox. The main reason why we didn't switch was because of Opera's closed source license which would not let us do what we wanted with it.
What's about Flock?
Dunno about the specific terms of Opera's licence, but in Windows at least, the program is now free, (for the latest versions 8.50 and 8.51).
Are the terms of the license still the same?
installing opera is a breez in DSL... thanks guys! opera is my favorite web browser and it certainly run faster on old computer such as the one that I have (at least thats how it seems on my laptop
so far DSL works great (still running 1.5 here), keep up the good work!
go opera go!!
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