DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: custum stuff by pay
You might consider adding a section for compiling certain things for a price. I am trying to get ma521 wifi card to work with dsl without success my kernal version is 2.4.26 my gcc version is 2.95.4. I have found one person that is trying to talk me through it, but none of the commands he is giving me works with dsl. I cannot get knoppix to work on my comps. I have listed it as a project on guru but have got no responces. I do not mind paying someone to compile this driver. And it dawned on me the perfect solution would be to see if I can get the dsl team to do then pay either through a donation or directly. Since you have the store for generating money this is a good next step. Another simple answer would be to have a list of which kernal and gcc version is in each archived dsl distro's so I can download the right distro to fit a compiled driver.
I back your idea.
Anybody can provide paid support for FOSS software, but if the DSL supremos did that themselves that'd be damn big money...
OK. Let me think about this.
All the stuff I have put into DSL has been for free.
I have even communicated with individuals to build modules for them for free.
But now, money should be involved? Now, after I have missed out on all this 'damn big money'
Can you imagine if this project was a pay-as-you-go. I could be retired!
Wait, I already am. Doesn't matter.
Thanks alot. Very motivating for those who contribute for free.
Should I post a menu of the next round of improvements with prices and see if any of them get paid for? Or is it that just some of us are expected to do this for free?
Please let me know how I should proceed with my services.
How about a DSL Bounties page? People offer a certain amount for a task to be completed, and if others want the same thing they can add to the bounty =o)
ok...just so you know, I'm not completely serious.
But it still might be an interesting way to raise funds for the DSL project. Someone who really wants a particular extension can offer to donate a dollar or two to DSL. If someone else feels they want the same thing, they can tack on another buck or two. If the project is completed, and works, those who offered the bounty on that project would send their pledged amounts to DSL.
Let me clarify: I don't want DSL to become a pay-as-you-go distro.I was thinking of something like building cutom distros for businesses and stuff like that.
Of course software must remain free, in all senses....
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