DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: DSL web page
The web page would look better if more images of DSL are added and background is coloured than being white. The content organization can be also improved so that it becomes equivalent to any of the typical distro page.
post ur thoughts
Whats about doing this John, please consider ..
Most fancy websites do not display properly or at all with Dillo.
We must not forget our small less capable mahines which can only use Dillo. As well as those who are on dialup.
A more robust page might make sense for the dsl-n distro which does not have Dillo and is targeted for our larger more modern machines.
Only thing I suggest is to set color for text at the front page. I use dark green as default text color and it really looks strange with green text. =D (And with light green links it is almost unreadable.)
Thats fine.
Thanks for immediate reply.
The background colour can be changed in dillo i suppose .
Also the contents are in form of left aligned or so (in all DSL pages) which can be changed to justified.
These will not be that fancy but adds look to the webpage. Possibly this will work in dillo i suppose.
Any sort of improvement to the look is what i really mean so that it adds to the look of webpage.
please consider.
I think that building content is more important than look.
You can visit my www site and see how almost imageless design can be stylish. (IMO ofcourse
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