DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: "properties" feature for GUI menu items

I'm generally at a loss to find the xterm command for a GUI menu item, and would love to be able to see a path/command by right clicking on it.
Not clear on what you are asking for.

xterm command? xterm is a terminal emulator (for X), can be executed by `xterm`

GUI menu items? You mean the fluxbox right-click menu?  See ~/.fluxbox/menu

Quote (^thehatsrule^ @ Sep. 17 2007,11:26)
Not clear on what you are asking for.

xterm command? xterm is a terminal emulator (for X), can be executed by `xterm`

GUI menu items? You mean the fluxbox right-click menu?  See ~/.fluxbox/menu


I right click on system/PMCIA card control and get a menu with "properties."  I select it and see the command name that I can run from xterm (i.e., cardctl ).  Properties for apps would show the path.

The item you are right-clicking is an xtdesk icon, which gives only the information stored in the *.lnk file in /home/dsl/.xtdesktop
These files are simple text files, and have no concept of path

The features available for these files are limited to whatever is built into the xtdesk application, and have little to do with DSL development, so it's not likely that it will change. You will need to learn more about how linux commands, PATH, and other linux features work and as a result you will have a much better understanding of how to modify these files.

Quote (mikshaw @ Sep. 17 2007,20:56)
The item you are right-clicking is an xtdesk icon, which gives only the information stored in the *.lnk file in /home/dsl/.xtdesktop
These files are simple text files, and have no concept of path

System/pmcia card control is an .xtdesktop icon? I guess you're saying that's it's impossible to build in a right click sub-menu for items on the desktop menu.

edit:  .xdesktop icons already have a right-click properties menu which shows the command.

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