DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: wish list, 2.6

There was a post on the smallbuntu forum on how to ad tiny X to ubuntu , I could not get it to work ; to technical for me
but I read some users made work
perhaps building a small Distro truly Debian Base and then let the user decide whether to install the Kdrive is the way to go an please everybody
I'll se if I can find the link to the Smallbuntu topic and post it later.

For me it doesn't neccessarily need to be debian based, but if it is, then I think it would be good that all the libs/apps come from the same version of debian to avoid the whole broken depedency story.

Maybe it would be better non-debian to have the freedom to chose the best/fastest/smallest core. We would also have exactly the right headers to build on.

With a coherent core, we could archieve extensions working better together, right versions of headers in compiling extensions, and right version man pages, for example..
continue the DSL tradition (actually a real Unix mantra)

Amen to that Robert.  We can get our dose of bloat anywhere else.

Re: that article about the 'convenient myth' - I think it's a good thing that there is convergence between the main distros and the LSB.  Much of the divergence for desktop generic users only fragments the linux world.

There will always be specialized distros for subsets of users and specific applications, though.  DSL is one of those.

One thing the article fails to address is the very different approaches of the 'stability is paramount' camp (Debian and Slackware) versus the 'have the very latest' camps (eg Fedora and Gentoo).  These aren't converging as much and they both have their uses - the latter are good for trying out the newest apps etc, the former are great for a low-threat, non-hair-pulling experience.

Great - I'll buy a new usb stick in anticipation of the testing

- OK, so I bought myself a new usb stick - any update on possible alpha release dates  :)

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