DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Emelfm as Super-User
Here's another suggested tweak for a future version of DSL...
A Fluxbox menu item for "Emelfm as Super-User" that is similar to the "MC as Super-User" menu item.
This way emelfm users won't need to open a Root Xterm and launch emelfm from the command line anymore.
definately a good idea.
I have this trouble with emelfm also.
great Idea. we expect to see it by next release 
if you run emelfm as super-user then it looks wierd and some stuff is gone,
this is nothing though, try running fluxbox as root!!!
If you open a root shell, then open emelfm, you'll have everything the same as usual..
If you "sudo su" , then "emelfm &" ,
your emelfm doesn't have "edit" "mydsl" etc.
But if you use the menu option Xshells > Root Access ,
then type " emelfm & " you'll have everything..
in a dsl shell type
"sudo /bin/bash"
then "emelfm &"
It will do the same thing ..
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