DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: from iso to usb install script
i was thinking about installing DSL on an USB stick to avoid burning a CD when a new release comes out...
then i realised that it won't help to do this,
as i must boot from a newly burnt CD to install the new release on the stick.
that's why i ask :
is a script allowing an installation from .iso file to usb when booting toram something that can be done ?
as it would allow USB stick users to update without needing a cd-burner...
You can use this..
mount -t iso9660 -o loop dsl-0.8.2.iso /mnt/wherever
Then copy over the /KNOPPIX directory and the /boot directory
to your USBkey ..
( I copy over the /boot directory so I can do HDInstalls from USBkey )
Your key is now upgraded to the latest DSL version
( assuming the boot method has not changed )
( this works great for most minor version upgrades )
Otherwise, you'll need to use the frugal-usb.sh script and the bootusb-0.X.X.img as your sources ..
I think the script allows you to use both LIVECD or FILE as your source for the compressed "knoppix"..
well, after a quick look inside frugal-usb.sh it seems that it's designed to find /KNOPPIX inside /cdrom so it won't help without a twist... because even if usb key is recognised as /cdrom, the /KNOPPIX dir will then be the old one.
i'll try the mount thing when i'll have the usb key.
i didn't know that mount allowed to read iso contents...
does it allow to actually write inside the .iso file ?
i just tried mounting an iso file. it worked greatly.
by the way, is it possible to mount an iso so that it's content can be edited ? as for now, i can't save any modification, and it keeps telling me that filesystem is read-only when i try chmod. 
i'll now try to edit frugal-usb.sh so that it will ask for an installation source.
i'll keep you informed about progress...
I'm guessing I am confused here..
Perhaps it's the HDInstall that asks for a SOURCE
L iveCD F ile N etwork ..
If the HDInstall script has these options, perhaps you can
wiggle a few lines out of it, and place them inside the frugal.sh
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