DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Midnight Commander

Interesting... I would have chosen scite...
It gives you line numbers,
highlights different types of texts in color,
depending on what type of file your working on, etc...
Easy to cut/paste between multiple open windows ..
bksp-ins-del-home-end all work like you' d THINK they should ..
When is SOMEBODY gonna contribute a "Nedit" .dsl ??
Nedit was nice.. real nice..
In my opinion, nano is a better choice than scite or nedit.
I like scite and nedit, but sometimes people will use mc as their file editor while they are running in console text mode instead of inside an XWindows terminal and neither scite nor nedit will work in this situation.
So for the folks who boot with "dsl 2", nano is a good fit because like mc it is also a text-based application.
Just my $0.02
........excellent point .
I'm usually root when I'm at a prompt editing system files ..
For menu and /home/dsl items, the scite/nedit choices are good ..
I wonder if you can setup each user to have its own default option ?
Actually, you could do this:
Set the default environment variable for all users to EDITOR=nano
(this will start the nano editor from mc in most situations)
and then create a small wrapper script that exports EDITOR=scite and then starts up mc with this argument.
You then call this wrapper script from the fluxbox menu.
In this way, if you are running from the console you will get nano as your editor but if you are running from the fluxbox menu you will get scite as your editor.
nedit is all in one file ... just copy the binary file to DSL and it should run
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