DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Some ideas
some ideas
1 - MyDSL dependency warning ( Or check / or tracking O_o! )
2 - .dsl Drivers for =
a) Software Modems
b) Usb ADSL modems
3 - More Faqs / Docs / Howto in on-line page ( like MyDSL but for docs )
( MyDSL-Help )
4 - MyDSL preview button for some apps.
5 - Logo and web page re-design ( maybe a contest ? )
a lot of this thing can be done with help of the users.
sorry for my english , i am from argentina
DSL rulez :-)
Edit :
6 - a new name for .DSL like slackware .tgz ( pkgname - version - arch )
( example xmms-1.2.10-i486.dsl )
1) Dependencies are supposed to be worked out by the person(s) who put together a DSL package. It's not the same as other package types such as RPM or DEB, which are built to be installed on many systems regardless of what is currently installed. DSL packages are designed to install in every standard DSL system, which has all the same apps installed.
It may be useful, though, to check for the presence of a dependency in case someone already installed it....particularly if it's a different version. At the same time, however, DSL packages *should* be created in such a way that they do not harm your system and work well next to other DSL packages.
Additionally, myDSL packages are made for use in a liveCD environment, and as such should not require any complex dependency checking/tracking. For that sort of thing, there is the dpkg system (DEB packages).
2) I very much agree =o)
4) What is a preview? Screenshot?
6) Many packages are already named with version. The architecture is unnecessary, in my opinion. I think any machine which runs DSL should be able to run its packages.
1) Ok
a review + Screenshot in html. ( for example )
some problems with i686 in older machines.
ke4nt1 has trouble getting people to submit their extensions with *.info files and md5sum files. I doubt that anyone will provide such screenshots.
I think that you have a good idea, but I don't think that anyone will want to do the extra work to make it happen.
In the mean time, you can always use http://www.google.com to go to the program developer's website and view their screenshots.
What would be nice is if the *.info files or the mydsl gui menu would display the file size of the extension, so dial up users would know what they were getting into before they made that "click".
writing info files is a real drag, that is why i don't do many mydsls any more 
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