DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Slideshow
I'm creating a network of remote large screens on which we will display slideshow. That slides are remotely updatable, and updated daily.
The project is ready to deploy. So, if somebody needs I can explain the way I take.
Here is a short description :
- openBrick PC : no fan, no HD, no keyboard, no mouse, booting from USB memory key.
from www.openbrick.org
- plasma 42" screens.
- DSL (of course)
- gqview application to display the slides.
- slides are updated through scp, an a script is launched remotely through ssh to kill gqview, move files in USB, then launch gqview
Main problems found was :
- have a slideshow app (xzgv isn't designed to display slideshow until now) -> I choose Gqview, small size, no installation needed.
- launch gqview remotely through ssh and display slides on the screen connected to the PC (and not to the ssh session ...)
Is related to Damn Small Linux Board » Damn Small Linux » Other Help Topics » Using DSL for an LCD Picture-Frame project
I hope this can help somebody.
sounds seriously cool, even cooler would be if you actually managed to get dsl booting from network (is possible), now if you did that you would not need the usb keys 
original here.