DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Remove fonts to make more space?
possibly use symlinks to use the rubbish fonts only but not confuse apps that use the other fonts?
Might depend on the type of font, though. If an application requires truetype and you link all truetype fonts to a terminal font, that program may not display any text.
yeah. so maybe some experimentation is needed, i will download 0.9.1 (still using 0.8.3 atm) and experiment a bit to see how it is possible to trim down the font files without xcrewing stuff up. it would be great to reclaim that space, if we could save a 1.25mb or so then we could add chatzilla and bring back xmms and scite, then we would have everything, firefox for xmms and scite was probably a good trade off, much better to have firefox instead, but fonts that probably don't even get used most of the time would be great to lose and get back xmms and scite, and chatzilla would bring us up to date rather than using nirc which will probably be maintained for command line use and slow pcs, if still more space can be saved then who knows, maybe a couple more games chucked in there or something (although i don't think anybody wants tuxnes back)?
We should get rid of all the TuxNES games. TuxNES is close to 5mb and those games aren't exactly fun (though they do offer enjoyment once in awhile). So make TuxNES a .MyDSL. Maybe we could put in liquid wars (1.8mb) and it is a ton of fun
. It would still leave us with room too for something else.
tuxnes was dropped out of 0.9.1 ...
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