DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Is Dillo still needed?
I like DILLO because it doesn't seem to use Java or other internal
scripts. That's also the bad thing about it. How do I get FOXFIRE,
or an up-to-date NETSCAPE to use? Yahoo complains and wants
netscape 6+...
(No Java makes for a pretty secure system, I think.)
I think that the Firefox currently in DSL has a bug to where it doesn't handle extensions properly, but normally, you just install the jslib extension, and it works with /most/ JS sites.
If Sun opens Java, which it looks like they are going to, you can expect full JS support in Firefox very soon.
OT: I use Dillo a lot. Especially on my little Toshiba 420CDS laptop (which I'm using to type this), because Firefox is a slug on slower machine.
If the built-in Firefox doesn't work for you, install the operal.dsl or opera.uci extensions from the myDSL repository.
Opera is nice because it allows you to mimic different browser versions to the web sites. So you can appear as MS Internet Explorer, Mozilla/Netscape, Opera your choice.
Opera 6 also runs well on old hardware and even the 7.x versions still run better than the other full featured browsers on old hardware.
FYI, the extension bug should now be fixed (Kent's hard work) and it should also run a little faster now too (decompressed the jar files).
Good dillo is here to stay, I already feared by the title of this topic that after links-hacked dillo would be gone too ;).
I use dillo all the time, doesn't matter if I'm on a fast computer or not. But I think the dillo in DSL should be updated to 0.8.4.
I think the newest version is more usable (even without frames). It solves many bugs. But you probably already did many patches on dillo, making it hard work to update to 0.8.4.
Anyway, dillo 0.7.3 or 0.8.4 , it's great 
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