DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Any plans for Firefox 1.0 in DSL?
Hey it's cool that you got *some* version of Firefox in DSL (and 0.9.1 is spiffy in its own right), but how about the released 1.0?
i think 1.0 is too big for dsl 
welcome to the forums 
I think there is a 1.0 .dsl plugin
Yes, but it's 1.0 PR (not the release version) and it's also not included on the CD itself, which is preferable for a variety of reasons. It seems if they can get Firefox 0.9 on the DSL CD, 1.0 shouldn't be that much more difficult.
We will need to compile Firefox from source for it to work with DSL natively, which only has GTK 1.2 (because of size restrictions) and the Linux version destributed by Mozilla requires GTK2.
Give us some time.
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