DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Python!
I love Damn small linux! I carry an 8cm cd and a floppy restore disk in a plastic first aid case everywhere I go now! Penguin power was never so easy, and converting others is now a demonstation away!
One thing is lacking though. I really need python. I see that perl was included. Super. I just don't need it. Python is my drug of choice for scripting, and on an 8cm disk there is plenty of room for it and it's libraries. The addition of Python would give some serious programming power to the masses in a small package.
Good work guys. Of all the live CD's I have tried, DSL was the only one that would run in the 58 megs of memory that my old compaq 5410 came with. When my hard drive crashed, DSL was the only thing that would keep it a workable machine.
I burn my disks on a mac, but can't figure out how to add anything to the .iso. I haven't been able to figure out how to take advantage of myDSL and the documentation, such as it is, is leaving me scratching my head. I could use some tips, or a URL with some simplified help files.
Thanks, Mathew

I don't know for sure if OSX will do this natively or not. I use Toast.
If you have "Toast" on your mac...
Burn the .iso IMAGE to a cdr, using the multisession options.
Mode 1 - session at once..
( DON'T finalize the cdr)
(I don't have a mac in front of me at the moment)
After a successful burn, reinsert the same cdr again.
Start Toast again.
Burn a data cdr session, containing all of your
extra directories, files in your /, and so forth.
( I make an extra directory for toys like mp3's, F-Prot, etc.)
(and another one for the .dsl's )
Try out your new DSL cdr, and mydsl should pick up on your .dsl's.
Macs also write other info on the cdr's that other OS's can't see.
I don't know if that is a hindrance or not...
This technique works for me with most all cdr burning software..
Nero, Prassi, Roxio, K3B, etc....
I have yet to try this in any type of UDF or packet formatting..
I wonder about the booting from a packet written disk.
Perhaps a Python myDSL module would be appropriate?
original here.