DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: After HDinstall Howto

I am in the process of writing a Howto for after you get your HD install done. It will not have stuff like How to get X working. I really want to do things like how to enable virtual terms without X. How make su- work in rxvt without restarting X. How to install and configure new window managers. Most of this type of stuff has been covered in the forums and on the main site but it is kind of scattered here and there and since I see more and more people doing HD installs which is not what John intended for DSL, I think it would be a good idea to Document how to make DSL work a lot more like a full distro without all the problems that you get with a full distro. I have used many distro's and have come to love DSL. I have 8 boxes at home all old handme downs and DSL is the only distro that just works(except on that 286 box) and I am wondering what kind of things do you expect to have on a HD install that DSL doesn't do?


There are a lot of questions and answers about how to get DSL and LILO working on a dual boot machine, might be worth covering?

How about info about using apt-get and particularly downloading and using synaptic.

The possible post dsl-hdinstall process is also covered at DSL Review

Dave Mac

i.e it would be lovely to know how to speed up recognition process on boot.
say..no video card setting and so on..detection of hardware once you've done it the first time, should be skipped when done, shouldn't it?
I know that you may have installed a new hardware, but in that case there could be a cheat to type at boot....
this kind of things I suppose would be appreciated.

Hi ,

That will give a message like ....

"Damn small linux had found new hardware"

How do you wanne try to find the right drivers ?

No , no not absolute possible for me. I think that the power of a distro like DSL the automatization is . It's easy , it's no so slowly and if you try some new hardware you haven't the Windows installation problems.

My personal opinion, but maybe John and the team will make it possible.

Regards, Guido

Hi Vacendak,

< I think it would be a good idea to Document how to make DSL work >

Great to doiing this part of the job , but let us remeber that new people will have always problems .

So even if there will be a manual , we may not begin to answer read the fuc... manual.

But do the job ! I will read it and i'm sure many people will found there the answer to there problems.

Regards ,


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