DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Macintosh like Dock bar
I doubt this will be taken into consideration..but maybey it'll interest someone into making a .dsl extension..
At higher resolutions or lower sometimes programs and text get hard to see.
The dock would be a great addition to a program launcher, and add a bit of eye candy to 
When the mouse passes over a program icon on the dock it is dynamically resized; along with launch feedback..
Here is an example:
Object Dock
That would be an alright extension, but for two things....
1) It's a Windows application
2) It's not open source. Licensing issues may prevent redistribution.
There is a dockapp called wmdrawer which provides similar functionality.
oh, ok, ill look into that one.
i didnt think this would pick up, but i apreciate the reply.
to bad the programs not open source, it would make a great app 
isn't there something like that in KDE ?
i'm not sure, but i think there is a gdesklet that is similar to this.
anyway stardock is a great software company. windowblinds, desktopx, iconpackager, and objectdock are the premier skinning apps for windows.
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