DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Mouseless DSL
I have an ancient "Pentium-S" that I have installed DSL on.
It works well enough, except I don't have a serial mouse
(right now) and I have been trying to locate configuration
changes that are necessary for Fluxbox/kernel/what-not
in order to "emulate the mouse" but I have not succeeded.
A search for "mouseless" and every other combination
that I can think of (maybe I lack imagination?) has come
up with no results.
Thanks for any help!
If you want a keyboard-driven Fluxbox, you'll need to do a lot of editing to /home/dsl/.fluxbox/keys
Here's something to get you started:
Hi Andrew,
I think you need a different window manager. Read this.
The home page is
And you are lucky! It is available - the latest ion2 - in the repository to download and use! Welcome to DSL repositories :-)
just a small correction...the version in the repository is not the latest ion2. The latest is 2-20040729, which may end up in the repository soon if I stop complaining about how much I dislike the default settings 
In that case ion 3 is in the making
The latest is not necessarily the best......
The default setting can be changed.
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