DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Crackpot Idea
I doubt this will ever be implemented, but I thought it would be nifty if there was a "customize" page, where you could specify what you'd be using DSL for.
(For example, FTP/Web server, Games, Multimedia, Text Proccessing and browing the web), and then any additional packages you'd like to add.
This you way you'd be able to offer more variety and more programs without going over 50mbs. Of course, you'd have to have some way to auto-create customized ISOs... *shrugs*
Just an idea. 
that would be a great idea though I don't even want to think about the amount of coding and processing power it would need to be able to do this. Thats a VERY cool idea though
There's morphix.
Yes, but does it fix on a CD-R BizCard? 
altho you could do it this way: Provide all the pkgs they would need on cd or via a dl mech (for ones not apgett able) and write scripts for remastering DSL that would keep it with in a user specfied size
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