DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Messenger
I know most people would probably argue with me on this but i use msn messenger above all the other messengers i use, it would be usefull if there were to be a msn messenger client on the DSL distro,
Assuming that there is no decent MSN application that can fit on the CD, this sounds like a good candidate for an install script.
Any takers?
Hey seeing as you are talking about install script and stuff, is there any where that i can begin looking on that type of thing?
Two places:
Try installing an MSN client using apt get or Synaptic package tool.
Try writing an install script to download and install a *.tar.gz or *.tgz binary tarball as found in Slackware or other Slackware-based Linux distributions like Vector Linux.
Good Luck.
Actually, I think gtmess would be very suitable for DSL - small, and no annoying dependencies.
Still, a script to download Tcl/Tk and aMSN would be nice, maybe I'll write one.
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