DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: VNC server
Indeed PhrozenFear,
you can control the display :0,
But i need to get some lib's installed.
one is:
and is not included in the dsl 07, i've got it on my laptop but still it won't work. this could be a problem of the beta release, i didn't figgered it out yet.
But my display :2 & :3 are allready working with a high performance.
I 'm building a dsl extension called "realvnc4beta5.dsl" but it's not yet 100% ready for release on the web.
the links are mising, and on a clean "install " it happens that it still fails.
Any suggestions?
I'll gladly try it out for ya - e-mail it to me at ve6msp@rac.ca. And I'm also gonna try and find that .so file... maybe...
Hello PhrozenFear,
I added this time the correct files with the correct passwords. standard for DSL.
When you want to make a connection to your dsl-server remotely there will be a password asked: damnsmall
I'm adding also a menu item and a desktop icon.That will be release v2.0
I have put the files on my website .
http://users.telenet.be/dukkieduk -> folow the link damnsmall
I tested the new v1.0 on my harddisk install, and for me it worked.
Kind regards
My Webpage
Hi all,
Great news, i just finished the vnc server !!
even display :0 works.
I trogled it all together into 1 dsl package:
I asked John and Robert to put it on the repository.
If you have questions please post them here.
great vncing

I didn't see the new version of the vnc server on your website.. the version there said it was for 0.7.1 (I'm downloading .7.3 now...) Do you have the new version of your dsl file available for download?
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