DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: new start up wallpaper
i think you need a nice new "DSL" wallpaper. and maybe a theme change. and no wallpaper with the damnsmalllinux.org logo....... grey >.< the forum one is more like it. but it doesnt say anything good. lol. *shrugs* doesnt even need to be a DSL logo. just the current one isnt that enticing.
i mean you will feel better using something that look nicer........ perhaps i'll look into theme making.
im making a nice theme right now >.> then i'll amke a nice background too. i'll get you and your little dog too
*cough* no sleep makes ace abit crazy please exuse. -- (he should also be banned from forums because he is evil evil i tell you......)

hmmm thought i posted the site thing :S im going crazy or firefox was being evil.
work in progress
you dont want me posting things in the wrong place >.<
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