DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: WebInstall script

I saw this on a web Flonix a relative  of DSL that uses install scripts to download apps.  Could DSL use these of even a short tutorial in the continuing doc development.  I see some apps ( and apt-get is good) but something different to add to the menus. Also if I created a scriot to download say mozilla would it resolve Dependecies>
Seems to me that WebInstall was invented here by our very own John. It is just the bash and or perl script(s) to dowload and install from the web. Cbagger has followed on with many useful scripts.

Here is how I create an install script:

(1) While running from the live CD, I try and install the program manually.

Since it is difficult to use apt-get when running from the live CD (and the only known workaround uses up a lot of your RAMDISK space), I prefer to download and install Slackware or Slackware-based packages like Vector Linux packages. Slackware packages are simple compressed tarballs and do not require you to install a package manager like rpm or apt-get/dpkg. Adding a package manager takes more download time and wastes more RAMDISK space.

(2) After I install the program, I learn about any missing dependencies using the ldd command 'ldd /usr/bin/programname' for example. Another way to resolve dependency issues is to use apt-get/synaptic to explain your dependency situation. Last, but not least, you can sometimes learn the dependencies by visiting the application developer's homepage.

(3) Once all associated dependencies are satisfied and the program works well after a manual install, the next step is to automate the install process. You need to carefully write down every command that you manually typed in and make sure that you write down the correct order. You then create a shell script that automatically executes the commands. It is also possible to automatically answer some Installer questions by piping a 'yes' or a 'y' using the echo command, for example.

(4) Finally, your new script needs to behave well with DSL. In my opinion, this means that the script should be smart enough to check and see if the program is already installed. If so, it should then start up the program. Otherwise, it should install and then start up the program. Also, the installation should create a desktop icon and xtdesktop link if you want the users to have easy access to launch the program.

The script should also clean up after itself and delete any leftover files that are no longer used after the installation is completed.

original here.