DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: new distro based on DSL

have a look at this mini (ish) distro

Its 65mb so a bit too big for a 50mb credit card CDR
but its got abiword and Gimp and Xfce!
Any chance of fitting these into DSL and keep it under 50mb?

I also notice that Flonix now uses Icewm as its shell instead of fluxbox and this is also only 65mb with a good little multimedia centre and TV card detection as well!

oh how I wish those creditcard CDR's where bigger than 50mb!

I tried to determine if it has MozillaFirebird built-in, probably not, with Gimp included. Also, he does not have a user board like this one yet, very valuable to us
DSL users to discuss issues, etc.

I'll second that :)

This user board is one of DSL greatest assets.

Right I've had a look.....imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Why replace fluxbox?
Look at all those task bars on the screen shots <shudder>
I've tried xfce in the past as well as windowmaker and waimea but flux is still the best
(though if you want minimal look at scrudgeware )

Would prefer abiword to ted and would like the gimp though :)
Still I've lead a sheltered life and never seen a biz sized cd, let alone know what to do with it.......

I have downloaded the luitlinux-0.2.iso but have to go to the store to get more
cd-r disks to burn it. I'll let you know if the thing runs. The developer said it is for
686 boxes, and I have only one of those, with dual processors, that I will test it
on. I'll try and run one of my 0.6.1 restores on it if I cannot get wvdial working on luitlinux. I need wvdial with my modem...
I am mostly interested in distros with Foxfire and good dial up support, and use on the laptop I am on now. I have Opera 6.12 and Mozillafirebird on it,
restored by a USB stick. I boot with a boot floppy, and have /knoppix on /dev/hda1 per my http://www.angelfire.com/ms/telegram/general_howto
I may try something like that setup with this luitlinux, to see what it can do.
Everyone needs to know I am not jumping ship in checking out luitlinux,
my examination of it is for "educational purposes" , as I look forward to the
next release of DSL.

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