DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: new distro based on DSL
Here are some tips on using luit linux:
Most of you are going to use a restore tarball with this, to get Foxfire, and your other items, like your wallpaper. A good Damnsmall 0.6.1 backup.tar.gz will do just fine.
l. Boot from the cd, and once up and running, copy the ~/.xfce4/xinitrc file to
2. Once you restore (more on this below), I have to ctrl-alt-backspace to get out
of the xfce window manager, and to a text prompt.
3. Then "startx". That will use the .xinitrc file in item No. 1 above, to bring xfce
back up, and all of your restored settings, etc. will be there!
Now for my restore/backup:
l. Boot from the cd, sudo su in an rxvt, and:
cd /mnt
2. I keep my backup.tar.gz, filetool.sh and filetool.lst in another hard drive
partition, at /dev/hdb1.
3. cd hdb1 > this gets you to the backup directory.
4. ./filetool.sh restore
5. Also, you need to modify your filetool.lst to include the .xfce4 directory,
so all the settings will be saved. (get this fixed up before the restore)
Here is my filetool.lst:
/home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop < you don' t need this
The xtdesk stuff is not needed in luit linux, and since it has wvdial,
most of that is not needed, but let /etc/wvdial.conf stay.
Here is my menu, that has the restoration changes to point to the
/dev/hdb1 shown in my example:
Of course, you need rename it to menu.xml when you use it in
Also, here is my filetool.sh to go with this:
That file needs to go in the partition with your backup.tar.gz, your
filetool.lst, and can be named as filetool.sh or left as is.
It is easier to restore in an rxvt to have the shorter name of
In review, once you have adjusted all the settings in xfce, you can backup,
and this includes getting a nice wallpaper, too, and placing that image file
in a directory that will be saved in the tarball. I have the /home/damnsmall/kreon
directory for that in my filetool.lst.
(You need to make the directory first, of course, and place all your to-keep
files in /kreon. ( I made that name up, look it up on google).
I'll get back in here if I have more!

Adding Opera 6.12 to Luit Linux:
Use the scripts for adding Opera to Damn Small Linux here:
Then add these lines to your filetool.lst:
Now, use this menu in xfce:
Of course you are going to need to rename it to menu.xml
and place it in /home/damnsmall/.xfce4/menu.xml
Here is a trick to allow you to use Scite to edit the file menu.xml
Just rename it to xfce4_menu_xml like I have, and open it in Scite
for editing. Then, in an rxvt, (as root)
# cp xfce4_menu_xml menu.xml
and you can use your new menu right away.
Be sure and save your new Opera setup and the menu, etc. in your
backup tarball, so you will have it all back when you reboot.
I had trouble getting Opera to work in Damn Small 0.6.1, and had to
give up on it. Now, with Luit Linux, I have Firefox and Opera.
My tarball, with all my various wallpapers, etc. is 18 MB. I run Luit Linux
off the cd, so I can boot into Damnsmall using a boot floppy, and restore
from another tarball in another partition. So, I can dual boot both forms of
Damn Small on this machine.
Once I have the tarball fixed up like I want it, I can copy it to a cdrw disk,
and place it on other computers, boot from the cd, and have the same setup
of Luit Linux (with minor adjustments to wvdial and restore locations) on
another machine.

My Luit Linux Screenshots!
(these are about 450K each)
Now for some explanation:
The toolbar at the bottom can autohide, there are Quick-Launch buttons
for Foxfire and Opera, and the two little monitors are for Wvdial "dial" and "hangup". This is a custom toolbar, and is not the original one.
One shot shows Gimp in action, another shows Scite and Foxfire,
another shows Opera 6.12.
The shot of Scite, shows how to edit your /home/damnsmall/.xfce4/menu.xml
as you can see, it has been renamed for use in Scite, per the previous post on
the subject.
All of this is restored from a 17.26 MB tarball, stored on another partition.

I have updated my howto to include the above Luit Linux items, including
adding Opera 6.12 to Luit Linux.
It's here:
A reminder to those of you who are testing Luit Linux:
Once you boot Luit Linux from the CD,
Be sure and copy the /home/damnsmall/.xfcd4/xinitrc file to
That way, when you have restored your tarball (backup.tar.gz) into the Luit Linux
filesystem, and are ready to Ctrl-Alt-Delete and then "startx" per my
instructions, you will come back up into X with all of your restored
settings, Web Browsers, etc. (provided you have a good filetool.lst
for that, and all) .

Another way to restart X, to get it to return after a restoration is simply
to open an rxvt, and "startx". I had advised using ctrl-alt-backspace to
restart X, but this does not work on all machines. I found that on a
Dell P4 HT, 2.8 ghz, it only killed the mouse driver. So use rxvt and
startx after you ./filetool.sh restore, to bring up your restoration.
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