DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: new distro based on DSL
Are you using Abiword in a linux distro now?
If so, are you able to get your printer to work in that, or do you send your work
to a windows or other box for printing? I have had bad luck with printers, so I
send the stuff to my daughters XP machine for printing. Also, I am wondering if
you might have used Synaptic to install Abiword and have it in your restoration
tarball, for Damn Small. I have not been able to get any of my remasters to work
as yet, so have gone to adding programs I want to my tarball. I looked at feather linux yesterday, and have seen what a hard job it is to select just what programs are included in the base distro. Damn Small has a much better selection than feather linux. I'm still playing around with Luit Linux, but with no message board there, it's hard to tell what the developer is up to.

Using the same backup.tar.gz (backup tarball) with Damn Small Linux 0.6.1 and
Luit Linux 0.2.
You have two cd's, one DSL, one Luit Linux. Only one tarball, that you put together using Damn Small Linux 0.6.1.
You can boot either one, and as long as you do not have /home/damnsmall/.xinitrc in your filetool.lst, the tarball will
allow either window manager to work, depending on which cd you boot with.
Luit Linux has it's own .xinitrc, needed to bring up xfce4, and so does
Damnsmall, needed to bring up fluxbox.
The only line needed in your filetool.lst to make a DSL tarball work with Luit Linux is
the /home/damnsmall/.xfce4 line.
Once you boot into Luit, and customize the Panel, and backup to the tarball, that information will only be needed if you boot into Luit,
and is ignored by Damn Small.
Applications? Opera 6.12 works in DSL and Luit, but not in DSL 0.6.1, and that part of the restore is ignored when you boot into DSL 0.6.1.
You do not have a menu item for Opera, so it's not a problem. Foxfire, however, works for both DSL and Luit.
You might have the tarball on a hard drive partition, or on a usb drive, and
it complicates things to have two different tarballs, (another partition needed),
so just use the same one.
What about triple-booting DSL 0.6.1, DSL 0.5.3 and Luit Linux?
Going to have some problems using a DSL 0.6.1/Luit tarball with 0.5.3,
so I do not recommend it.
Tarballs that have been added to and customized are valuable, I keep backups on CD, and install them on various machines to get up and running quickly.
Future releases of Damn Small Linux will probably retain the file structure of
0.6.1, so your tarball will be the first thing to try on a new release.
As this thread is entitled "New distro based on DSL", I am doing some
research/investigation of Luit Linux, for the benefit of the main thread,
"DSL Ideas and Suggestions". I doubt that I will discover anything really
new about Luit (as it relates to DSL) after this point, so I may move on to
something more mainstream DSL.
I am most impressed with xfce4 window manager in Luit, and would want the
DSL developers to at least consider using it one day, as it is more like what
Windows XP users work with (more or less).

About Opera in my above post:
Opera 6.12 in Damnsmall 0.6.1 can view a lot of sites correctly, including http://www.damnsmalllinux.org, but
in this forum, (I'm in Opera 6.12 and DSL 0.6.1 now), the "add reply" and other buttons are very elongated, not
correctly displayed. Many websites are not viewable at all, or with just some images, and a lot of horizontal lines.
So, it is not acceptable, and John has checked into this, has something to do with missing libraries, I believe he said.
Opera 6.12 does work in DSL, and in Luit Linux, which is apparently based on (somewhat).
Opera is always restored via a tarball, and is not in the base cd of DSL or Luit. I used a modified install_opera
script here:
look at my howto for more instructions on putting Opera in your DSL system:

>>I am most impressed with xfce4 window manager in Luit, and would want the
DSL developers to at least consider using it one day, as it is more like what
Windows XP users work with (more or less).
Please God no!
The last thing linux needs is to become more like windows (osX is better than xp - at least my father in law can use it!)
I've run xfce on slackware in the past (looking for small fast desktops) but much prefer fluxbox in daily use.
Would even consider ratpoison as I hate clutter on the desktop (even with a 21" monitor)and everythings keyboard driven.
Prefer no pager, icons or dockapps either.
Chic & bleak 
Would like a few more of flux's options like transparency though.
Should add that I find the latest feather(3.7) a much better all round distro than Luit ...(Gimp & Open office scripts) but then I tend to go for hdd installs.
Very well put. To hold down on the clutter, I autohide the panel in xfce4. I only present the possibility of using xfce4 as a way of impressing XP users who have not seen anything else, and I could pop the CD in and show them what linux can do. I doubt that DSL could use it, due to space limitations. Probably much better to include a useful application, rather than a fancy window manager.
I did receive an email from the developer of Luit saying that he would include a
way to restart the window manager in the next release, so after a restore, one
could bring it all up in X, as we do in DSL. I do like the pager in xfce4, one can click on a desktop to go there, exactly like I do in FVWM, which I run on Debian 2.2. (my favorite until DSL came along).
As this main thread is entitled "DSL Ideans and Suggestions", I'm sure John, et al, appreciate the
pro and con offered here about the various window managers we all have experienced.
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