DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: DSL Needs MSN
Ok it's working! ^^ Thanks guys!
Just for your information.
You can chat on msn and any other network using any irc client and bitlbee. There are public bitlbee servers as well, so you just have to have an irc client installed to chat on msn.
It lets you connect to all those IM networks trough your irc client, or even on a web interface like bitlbee-web.pethippo.co.uk and if you can't install it you can just connect to an irc bitlbee server (im.everdot.org or look here: http://www.bitlbee.org/main.php/servers.html)
and see this short howto: http://linuxreviews.org/software/irc/bitlbee/
in short:
/connect im.everdot.org
/j #bitlbee
register your_password (next time identify your_password)
Jabber: account add jabber you@jabber.org yourpassword
MSN : account add msn you@hotmail.com yourpassword
ICQ: account add oscar 648244897 yourpassword login.icq.com
AIM: account add oscar 321454897 yourpassword login.oscar.aol.com
account list to view what accounts are saved and their status
account on to log in
I find it very useful and only have an IRC client installed
Bitlbee+irssi really rocks.
Great stuff!
One less program I have to install in DSL.
aMSN has a bug (in fact many bugs) because it shows that I'm offline when it is minimised. I'll stick to bitlbee 
can you use MSN-filetransfer using bitlbee?
original here.