DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Adding 'Home' and dpkg?
the command line is easy
remember, the command line is your best friend. if you are a total linux newbie, you should familiarize yourself with the command prompt, because X wont always do everything.
btw, now that you got apt-get working, isnt DSL the coolest distro evar?
Quote (ivan @ Oct. 08 2003,10:22)
btw, now that you got apt-get working, isnt DSL the coolest distro evar?
Most definitely! I want DSL to grow, prosper, and be known by as many people as possible
(I don't have apt running just yet, I am waiting for John to come out with the next version where there'll be a script to easily install apt)This is a direct quote from the DSL hard drive install info page (in case you have not seen it yet)
The way to do this is to download the compressed dpkg file from here and move it to '/var/lib/', then uncompress it: tar zxvf dpkg.tar.gz
After that just 'apt-get update' and then Apt should be fully functional. ============================================== Instruction word by word ---------------------- go to where you have downloaded it:
to move it: mv dpkg.tar.gz /var/lib/ then: cd to /var/lib then: pwd (Present Working directory, making sure you are where you think you are) then: tar -zxvf dpkg.tar.gz or: gunzip dpkg.tar.gz then: tar -xvf dpkg.tar ================== then: apt-get update In the directory /etc/apt is a file called sources.list if you edit this file you can change the site that the apt-get gets it files from to edit it remove or put in a # at the start of the line you want to change. Putting in a # stops the line being read by the system in most files.
If you are not sure how to use apt, do apt-get install synaptic this loads a graphical loader for apt. Then from a shell enter "synaptic" (no quotes)
if you are using the net from within a firewall you may have to apend the followin line at the end of the apt.conf file in /etc/apt.conf (carefull with the exact syntax)
Acquire::http::Proxy "http://username:password@(proxy.address):8080/"; you sometimes don't need the username and password so if your proxy is 192.4.300.6 iwill be: Acquire::http::Proxy "http://192.4.300.6:8080/"; anybody see an error in this please post so anybody knew will get it right without spending ours loooking for that syntax error "Ta"
Quote (Daniele @ Sep. 28 2003,10:24)
However I'd like very much to see dpkg installed by default, plus an iconized 'home'
How FluxBOX (BlackBOX too) hasn't got any file-explorer like those @#$% windows or KDE
BTW EmelFM has /home/damnsmall on one side and / on the otherits got midnight commander in 0.6 just outNext Page...
original here.