DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Useful app

And 0.3.7 will have ettercap included as well - it'll be released in the next few days.
Thanks for info. I be waiting to new version 0.3.7 with Ettercap ... and testing .... :)  

    c ya

Feather linux it very good for me but ... it too much (too big) on business cards - 64MB ;(


I play with both :)

Who knows I may get to love Debian.................


I dont how most of you boot DSL, but i for sure go with the lovely "knoppix toram" option. Exellent speed and the cdrom free to read and burn cds.
I love the additional firefox script thing even concidered that it doesnt fit into the DSL-cd. From the discussion on this forum i think that it is no lie to state that a lot of people is missing that or that program. Why not then ad one additional DSL wellpacked business-cd with lots of xtra candy installscripts and/or run-from-cd-apps, for toram-users? Ok, it would be one more business-cd, but how much more physical space would it steal if i for example put the too of them in my wallet on the top of eachother? Would it fill up more space in the wallet than 3 millimeter in thickness and close to 0 mm in width/length? Ofcourse only people who like the idea of an extra cd would use it, and therfore everyone would be glad and happy.

However anyone could just burn a own cd with chosen aditional packages, but there would be benefits with a kind of "official" cd, customized especially to fill the most common needs for additional stuff in the DSL enviroment.

Well well, speculations, speculations. Maybe its just a shitty ide, but on the other hand, maybe its not. Who knows?, Im out of here.
Take care/

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