DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Damn Small Linux Server Edition?
There is nothing to stop DSL from hosting a low traffic site now, I wouldn't put critical data on it, but the little Monkey server works pretty good.
As far as coming out with a server addition, we need time to work and pay our bills
. I wish I was in a situation where I could just hack ISOs all day.
I'd love to see a Server disto of DSL.
Ive tried doing cut down versions of other distro's and they all end up over the 1gb mark.
Im aiming for <1gb with a DSL Server distro with the following.
Samba, ProFTPd, Apache, Perl, Mysql, And webmin.
If i make a less than 1gb server distro other than ghosting the drive is there a way to back it up to DVD or something ?
I understand your view John ..... i wish i had the time and the know how to do that too john 
Great work on DSL 
Any way of splitting an .iso? Is that what you meant by ghosting? Sorry, I'm not familair with that term. 
You could always create the "base" distribution and then use apt-get to install the various programs that are needed. This could be done by the user or through an installer like interface.
There is actually an old mini distro which fits this server bill very nicely. Tiny Linux, installs onto disk in around 50M. Apache and Samba Slack packs take it up to about 65M and it is then not much of a job to set it up for FTP / HTTP / Telnet / Samba file and print server (with swat). Its only an old 2.2.6 kernel (based on slack 4) but it works as well as it ever did. I love the sound of a DSL for each type of machine perhaps it would be possible to have it along the lines of a base DSL with modules. I fear it would no longer fit on a 50M CD though (and this is what amazes my friends).
Best regards to all
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