DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: More keyboard support
Do you know why this Lindows liftime member like to use DSL ?
Simple ! I can run DSL on every machine and for Lindows i must use my "power" PC
So don't advise to use Lindows to replace with Lindows.
But they have indeed a spanisch version.
Regards ,
P.S. AND .... in DSL i can try and test ...in Lindows not.
I know Lindows has a spanish version. Mandrake, Red Hat, SuSE, Debian and even Knoppix has spanish versions, too. That's OK... except for the fact that I neither need, nor want to use, such bloated versions for my everyday work.
Let's just read the facts: Mandrake, Red Hat, SuSE and Debian need to be installed into my hard drive. I don't have a lot of spare space in my disk. I mostly work on a laptop with 3 gigabytes of space, and i assigned 650 MB for my Linux partition, 128 MB for swap, and the rest as data. I use a 350 MB IBM Microdrive for my current work, and I take the microdrive and DSL to everywhere I go, in the same box (because the bootable business card fits in the same space). So if I install a complete Linux enviroment, I won't have any left space for my work. So I need a small version of Linux.
There is a mini-cd with a stripped down version of knoppix, but it is still too big for me: after it expands, I have about 1.5 GB of free space, and my office programs will take at least 500 MB. My data won't fit in less that 1.5 gigs, and I need it complete.
So, when I heard of Damn Small Linux, and checked the fact that it taked 250 MB in my hard drive once installed, and with the addition of Mozilla and OpenOffice.org 1.1 my 650 MB partition still had a little space (if i move my e-mail into a USB disk, thing that I've for months for security reasons), then I could have more space available for my data.
It is working good, and it's pretty stable... and cheap, because I don't have money for upgrading my hard drive. (By the way, if you have an spare 5 or 6 GB HD for a laptop, and want to sell it for cheap, I'll buy it!).
The only problem is that I can't type well and fast in Spanish.
I'm primary a writer, and since a few months I've taking jobs as a kind of translator for scientists: the wrote their texts as they know, I translate it to plain Spanish, so my client can resell it to book editors, magazines, diaries, etc. I get my money when the book or article is sold, because science research is not as profitable as you may think. This means I need to write a lot, and write fast, and write in Spanish. So my productivity is now a fifth of what it used to be sinse my original 10 GB hard drive died, taking with him my previous Lycoris installation and just 10 MB of data that I didn't backup that week.
To me, the only thing I need to make DamnSmall Linux perfect is the support for the spanish (or even latinamerican) keyboard, and I know how I can make it work.
I've tried everything I know, including the knoppix lang=es line when I boot from CD, but it does not work.
I don't have fancy hardware (the most problematic piece of junk in my laptop is the modem, and I connect to the internet via cablemodem, so I'm not really worried about it), so I just need to make my keyboard to work and I'll be a happy man... happier if I get a bigger hard drive.
I don't want to run any live-cd distro because I need to make my backups in my laptop's internal burner.
So, expressed all this, does anyone have any idea of what do I need to do to have access to my accents? Any one? John, are you reading this?

original here.