DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Wireless link quality monitor

Here it comes

Code Sample

while true; do
q=`iwconfig eth0 | grep Link | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's#Quality:##g' | sed 's#/92##g'`
j=$((q / 2))
echo -n "$q "
for i in `seq $j`;do echo -n "="; done
echo ""
sleep 1

Every 1 sec. it does something like this
Code Sample

18 =========
24 ============
26 =============
22 ===========
30 ===============
22 ===========
22 ===========
22 ===========
18 =========
28 ==============

As you can see...the link Quality isn't very good

2John...it's small so why don't add it to 0.6.1 (I'm also working on swap script in perl)

Or wavemon is a possibility - it's a small wireless link monitor.
Damn - I'm going to have to grab the netgear from upstairs and try this out

I'm afraid this distro is getting like all the others.

Theres so much you can tinker with that I'm never going to get any work done :D


2hasty:What 'bout yo'r netgar ?

Quick try with a netgear ma101 did'nt work but didn't have time to fiddle.

A friend arrived with his laptop because his 14 yr old daughter couldn't get on hotmail..doh.
Quick upgrade to ie5.5 (i know its older, so's his laptop) and all solved.
I'm officially a genius :laugh:

Will have another go at the w/e, but it's really only playing as I don't really need it.
More out of curiosity.......

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