DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: fluxbox menu
I have a couple of fluxbox menus for consideration in the next edition of DSL:
The changes are at the top, to add wvdial, for quick access, and for USB and floppy mount/unmount.
Also, I have a rather non-standard method of getting MozillaFirebird running
on a system that has no USB memory stick for restoration, in my fluxbox_menu_2. That part of the menu cannot be adopted, as it is too hard to customize for the average user, and cannot be hard-coded onto the CD, but it
is shown as I do use it and it works very well. MozillaFirebird is simply saved on the hard drive, and mounted and run from there. Only problem is that preferences, etc. cannot be generated as a .phoenix directory with this setup, so Moz has to be re-customized each time. I did provide a startup file for Moz to use in the menu item for it, which can be changed to whatever would be useful or appropriate for DSL. My startup file is based on:
We do need a way to get the restoration floppy or USB running from the initial menu in the CD to elimate a lot of steps to get restored on each boot up.
Some of the ideas in these menus may help.
My favorite, since I have dialup, is to have Dial and Hangup at the top level in the menu, for quick access.
Other needed ideas:
mouseconfig can be run in DSL, but since those choices are not part of the
DSL xsetup, the choices cannot be written and made effective. I realize that
too many questions and choices at startup is needless for the vast majority of
users, so an "advanced" tab might be required for those of us with odd mouse setups, to encorporate more of what mouseconfig gives us.
As an aside comment:
I copy my /knoppix cd directory to my hard drive, and run DSL from there,
and use knoppix vga=789 as my default resolution. vga=791 works fine on my
laptop, however, but not my desktop. Running DSL from hard drive really saves on the wear and tear on the machine, compared to running off the CD, or as compared to running Windows 98. A menu choice to copy the /knoppix
directory might be considered, but since I have to use a boot floppy to run it
that way, a "create boot floppy" may have to be added with that. 
original here.