DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: FTP server request

Although ftp is not secure, some users may find it useful to have it available as an option if they are located behind a firewall and are therefore less concerned about security.

I agree that it would be insanity to have an ftp server automatically started up by DSL without any prompting from the user.

Why must you keep bashing the ROM's? Public domain roms are extremely small, I guess one or two could be taken out but... I think they add allot to making it a temporary desktop.
OK, so what FTP server should be added?
I think betaftpd would be a good choice; it's small (about 20k) and quite secure. Unfortunately, it's not the easiest to use, and requires recompilation to add different features.

I think that users should suggest ways to improve DSL, but let John decide what to remove.

You may not use tuxnes, but other people enjoy it just like some Windows types like Solitaire and Minesweeper bundled with their OS.

Besides, there are better ways to squeeze more stuff into DSL than deleting a 20kb program on a disc that contains approximately 50,000,000 bytes of compressed data.

DSL iso had bigger sizes as you can se on ibiblio so 20kb (after compres about 8kb) is fine :blues: :cool:
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