DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: damnsmalllinux server edition
currently (in between other stuff) i am working on deciding what software to include, sourcing the tutorials etc etc.
there will be a nice gui to set everything up, i am not sure whether to include stuff to make it a fileserver as well. i will see if i have space, i should once i have removed all the crap.
i am going to try and get everything set just running live asap, and then maybe make the iso, or maybe leave it until late. 
How many of you would like to see a stripped down "Server" only version of DSL?
I have seen tons of email and posts and requests for a simple "light" server that can run http, ftp, samba, and is easy to configure and run...
How would you like to see DSL have a new "release" as a server only (minimal distro with loadable MyDSL modules) to make it what you want...
Say you wanted a filesharing webserver (DSL with httpd and samba.dsl)
Here is what I would like to try to accomplish
1. Create a very minimal "core" command line release (no games, x emulator (or x programs[text editors, browsers, blah blah]) which would make an incredibly small iso (probably around 20-25 MEGS
2. Create "server" MyDSL apps (apache, samba, ftp, printer, WEBMIN [insert service here]) which could be loaded as needed/wanted
3. Create a easy to follow and understand howto/manual for the "server" DSL
Would this be feasable and useable or am I just dreaming???
Input would be nice peeps
Well...would you (the community) support something like this??
I was actually looking for something like this now. I had resigned myself to just loading Debian from scratch.
Specifically... apache, ossl??, mysql, php, perl, sendmail or postfix, samba.
Much of this sounds alot like what XAMPP is designed to do however.
I think this is a great idea, and I, for one, am looking foreward to this. Thought I like the monkey server, Apache has become the standard, and BetaFTPd has almost no instructions. The only request is to keep it as a live boot. That way you have a very secure server.
You might want to collect a few useful .php files (like a forum), and have them either alreay setup, or easy to install. Also maybe look for a backup utility. Incase someone grafitti's the website, you can restore it easily.
I would be willing to test this for you if you need help in that end.
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