DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Monkey Server??
not sure if this is right because I'm not at my comp with DSL on right now but am I right in thinking that monkey server is like apache but not as good?
If this is the case and somone was going to be using DSL for a webserver (like me) then surely they would choose to use apache instead, so would it not be wiser to remove monkey server to make way for another application? Maybe a firewall, if not, firewall recomendations would be greatly recieved.
Once I get my box online that is (see NTL modem post in networking)
Monkey is a nice, lightweight web server that can be used to display simple web pages to a few users as needed.
For example, say you booted from the LiveCD and you used an editor to build a simple web page that displays some data that you want other people in your dorm/computer lab/office/house to be able to read. All you need to do is publish the page in Monkey and make sure that the web server is running. Then tell your fellow students/friends/coworkers/family the computer's address or name and everyone can see what you published.
You can't do this in Apache because:
(1) It won't fit on the 50MB business card CDROM format.
(2) It takes some effort to get more out of Apache than basic html (in other words, to make it more useful than a business-class version of Monkey).
(3) If you really want Apache, PHP, MySQL, Oracle Enterprise Server, or anything like that on your DSL, do an install to hard disk and then use apt-get or synaptic to install the above mentioned programs.
If I was going to find a compromise between tiny Monkey and full-blown Apache, I would choose Xitami (SP?). But size does matter.
Good Luck.
Is ther anywhere I can find out about apt-get and synaptic?
I'm going to be installing php, mysql and apache once I get my modem working through USB and my otehr PC connected up so knowing before hand would help.
You can get information on these topics by using the "Search" button on the top of this page.
Try running separate searches on the following keywords: "apache", "apt", "synaptic"
Then choose ALL FORUMS
and choose search FROM THE BEGINNING and NEWER.
My synaptic installation script can be found here:
Good Luck.
Is it just me or are lots of things in Linux scripts.
Being a windows user (sorry guys) are these like batch files which are placed inside the folder that allows them to be called up by name like run_syn etc?
If not, is there a faily comprehensive guide to Linux somewhere that I could read, focussing on the differences between Linux and windows would be good, but if not, just talking in depth about installing programs using scripts maybe.
Thanks again.
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