DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: DSL startpage in Dillo
I would like the DSL start page that appears in Dillo when DSL starts to have the links that are on the DSL main page under the DSL logo. That way I can start DSL, click on forums and be here in one step.
Much quicker than having to come to the site, then select forums. The rest of the page can be as it is, I just think adding the links to the online sections would be a quick link for newbies looking for further information without having to take the extra step/time of finding the forum link first. And for those of us already using DSL, it would be a time/finger saver. 
You could always do a quick remaster. Either edit the /usr/share/doc/damnsmall/getting_started.html or just change the dillo menu file in /home/damnsmall/.fluxbox/menu. In that menu file change where is says "dillo file:/usr/blahblahblah" to "dillo http://whateverforumurlis"
original here.