DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: New icons
Just curious, why don't you guys use Gentoo's Icons instead of the ones we have now ? They seem to look nicer, no offense.
Maybe because some of them are 24k? That doesn't fit into the "damn small" part of Damn Small Linux.
They are nice looking icons, though.
Are you talking about size or colors range ? Because for size, all of the standard icons, when replaced with gentoo icons, would be only 131KB, rather than the standard 32KB.
But, in the end it is not that important. ;)
I don't think 131k is bad, particularly when the icons are so nice.
But I don't use icons myself, so I guess my opinion isn't really important here 
Just giving you my opinion as the Feather Linux developer - the icons work really well. They fit with most styles, and you can convert them to other formats to make them smaller by 30Kb or so.
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