DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: gcc

Is there any chance of gcc being on the disc? Does tcc work just as well (hmm, I'll have to put make on a floppy or something)? I was recomended "Linux From Scratch" (56k, old hardware, linux newbie), but the book says I need a host distro to compile stuff from, chicken and egg scenerio I'm afraid.
I am pretty sure that GCC is not on here.. its about as big as this whole distro so yeah.. I really doubt it.. sorry
Did you try using knoppix, soinsg?
56k, old hardware

Knoppix barely runs on my 1.6 gHz with 384 MB of ram, I doubt it would run on older hardware....

It runs fine on my 900mhz 384 ram...
can save some resources if you run in fluxbox. Just something to try.

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